WP247 Body Classes 2.1

It’s been a few years since I’ve added any new features to the WP247 Body Classes plugin. Today the plugin has been updated with a few new features and a few minor changes: Removed Notifications Plugin co-requisite Fixed Settings API for PHP v7 Updated Admin Favorites Added Individual Post Body Classes Added User Roles Classes … Read more

WP247 GeneratePress Pre-Footer Widgets

GeneratePress is an awesome WordPress® theme with incredible flexibility. I was using it recently for a project I was working on and needed an extra widget area at the bottom of all web pages that had a different background from the regular footer widgets section. This need resulted in what I am calling the WP247 … Read more

WP247 Extension Notification System

The strength of WordPress® is in it’s ability to be customized through the use of extensions (plugins and themes). Over time, these extensions are enhanced to provide new features or to comply with changes to core WordPress®. To avoid distributing flawed extensions and possibly disrupting the websites that use those extensions, extension developers need to … Read more

wp247 Body Classes 2.0

After a couple of years using the wp247 Body Classes plugin, I’ve added a new feature that I couldn’t find anywhere else. It started out just wanting to know whether or not the page content had been scrolled. It ended up being so much more. The wp247 Body Classes plugin can now provide multiple Scroll … Read more

wp247 Get Option Shortcode

We’ve all been there, hard coded some text in our WordPress sites that exists in a WordPress option and then later changed the WordPress option value but forgot about the hard coded text throughout our website. Then, later discovered the inconsistency and had to go through and find and fix all occurrences of the hard … Read more

More wp247 Body Classes

Well, the wp247 Body Classes WordPress plugin has been out for a couple of weeks now and a few people have started using it. One person asked if it could indicate whether or not a mobile user is on a tablet. The simple answer was No. But not any longer. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to determine the mobile … Read more

wp247 Body Classes

Last week, while working on a website for my daughter’s up-coming wedding, I had the need to tailor the styling for mobile devices. I didn’t like the amount of white-space above all of the headings. I am using a stock theme (which I actually bought) called Game Over by Cosmo Themes. My requirements were: I needed to be able … Read more